Hey Everyone! Sorry for no updates lately. Things have been so crazy here and I can't believe how fast time has gone. I promise to update either later tonight or tomorrow.
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Saturday, September 16, 2006
YAY for me!!
I finally figured out how to post videos!!! So, you all are in for it now, lol. And I do apologize that the videos I uploaded tonight have no order to them...I tried to upload them and then edit them and change the date (like you can for posts) so that they'd be in order but everytime I changed something in the post, the video wouldn't work! SO, cest la vie...they're going to stay that way. ;)
George on a water slide
This is one of the waterslides at the Granville Island water park. George went down both but I had to pick and choose between taking pics or catching video...SO, I got photos of the other one and video of this one. ;) |
Happy Birthday song for Jack!
Happy 6th Birthday Jack! Today was Jack's "big" birthday party. We had it at the movie theatre...they saw Everyone's Hero and then we had pizza and cake in the party room. Sorry the video is so dark. She brought the cake in, turned out the lights and had everyone singing before I could turn them back on. I'm lucky I got this video at all! p.s. OOPS! I forgot that you can really hear the person holding the camera and I don't claim to be the best singer around so please pardon my loud singing! ;) |
George skimboarding!
Dh (dear husband) likes to set up a tarp and hose so that he and the boys can go skimboarding on our front lawn. This is George skimboarding with my dh's help. |
Jack jumping off the diving board
This was Jack's second set of lessons this summer and he was finally brave enough to go off the diving board. And although he did jump off, you'll see that he was very keen at the beginning but as he approached the end of the board, he was having second thoughts! =) |
Next time just ask for a cookie George!
I finally got around to making cookies and had them on the counter to cool off...Little did I know that George would try to scoop them off for himself! All of us were in the living room playing and George quietly wandered off so Scott went to find him and caught him redhanded! And I decided to tape the guilty party as part of my evidence for the "he was a curious George when he was younger" file, lol. And it's without a doubt that this file will keep growing! ;) |
George and his birthday cake!
George had lots of fun eating his birthday cake. This was his first birthday and was only his "smash" cake thankgoodness, because there wasn't much left of the cake once he was done with it! |
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Yep, today Jack is 6! I can hardly believe it. He's getting so big so fast. He had a good day at school and from the sounds of it, everyone in his class enjoyed the chocolate cupcakes I made. And mom and dad (Sam's parents) came over for dinner tonight which is always exciting for the boys. I made one of Jack's favorite meals: roast, mashed potatoes, fresh green beans and yorkshires with gravy. And usually he'll have 2-3 helpings but today he had just one! I think his mind was more on the dessert, which was an ice cream cake from Dairy Queen with a Canuck's logo on it. He was quite pleased and was very happy with all of the great gifts he got. p.s. please excuse the funny look on his face...he's at that awkward age where he's "finding" his smile.
Monday, September 11, 2006
Today was the first "real" day of learning...
and the boys had a good day. They each have their own school planner and it's so cute to see Jack's writing in there! His homework for today was to read a book (that they colored) called "My Aunt Came Back". It's a cute book about an Aunt who's travelling the world and she brings back all sorts of things. Too cute! Scott did not have any homework which is fine because with the teacher he has this year, there will be plenty coming.
Scott started soccer today, sort of. The next four weeks consist of him going to a soccer camp and then the teams will be picked. And once again, the coaches only get to "pick" three players...the rest are all divided up evenly. And Scott himself is a selected one of three the coach is hoping to get on his team again. So, WTG Scott! :) Guess we'll have to get you those goalie gloves because "the wall of Burnaby" is back! ;)
Sunday, September 10, 2006
we all went to Sam's great Uncle Joe's, 80th birthday party. We all had a great time. Including George who slept through half of it, lol. The food was great and it was nice to meet some members of Sam's family whom I've never met before. Yes, after 15 yrs, I'm still meeting people. Although, there were a few people there that he hadn't met before either, lol! We were all dressed up nice today in respect for Uncle Joe and it was a party, so what other occasion do you dress up for? The boys looked so handsome in their suits all dressed up...I only wish we had had time to get a photo of them. However because Jack is having such difficulty smiling nice these days (for photos!) it would have taken too long, so we had to skip it. And George, well he's just so on the move these days, any picture of him is hard to capture, but I did manage to get these two...
Please excuse the mess!
I'm slowly learning how to change the color and size of the fonts here so please excuse the mess while I "renovate". The font might be a bit bright or a bit small...and I'm still trying to figure out how to get away from this plain boring ole template. AND I'm still trying to figure out how to post a video. But, I'll get it right yet though. ;)
Saturday, September 09, 2006
This is so awesome...
BOTH boys got the teachers I had hoped they'd get! Scott is in grade 3 and is in a grade 3/4 split class. Jack is in grade 1 and is in the grade 1/2 split class. This is a good thing for both boys and I am so relieved and happy! This should be a great school year for both of them, although Jack does have his work cut out for him as he is a little bit slower with his fine motor skills (printing, cutting, coloring...). But that means we'll just have to work a little harder. So, hopefully he'll be up for it and won't mind having to do a little bit of extra work. And hopefully we won't have to bribe him to do it. ;)
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
The first day of school...
Tomorrow the boys start going full days and although I can't wait for that to happen. I have to admit I'm a little sad. Jack is a big boy now and will also be going to school for the whole day. I can't believe it! In fact, I can't believe he's going to be 6 yrs old next Tuesday! Where does the time go? Does anyone know?

Saturday, September 02, 2006
Today was such a beautiful day we decided to take the boys to the Granville Island water park. So we packed a picnic, bathing suits for the boys and away we went. They had so much fun. The boys really enjoy going down the water slides that are there and George loved going down the water slides with daddy...
George and the boys also had a great time playing in the spray park,