OMG! Where does the time go? Can anyone tell me? LOL...Ok, well, I owe you all some updates so here we go...
Rewind back to January...George had his 18 month immunization shots and an appointment with an ear, nose and throat specialist (to see if he should have tubes in his ears). The specialist did recommend it for him (as we were hoping he would!)and he had his surgery in February. It went very well and was over within 10 min. And George did so well, that he has me wondering if the whole experience was harder on Sam and I then on him. And aside from being a little more tired which carried into the next day, he had no ill side effects from the anesthetic. And he has made such progress! He's like a new little boy...he seems happier and he's got more confidence and his vocabulary has increased so much! In fact, he's got at least one new word a day now!
George also started another "semester" of music class which he is really enjoying again. Although he does have some off days as it is a much different class because he's moved up a level and is now enrolled with children up to the age of 3 which can be intimidating sometimes.
Scott and Jack took a set of swimming lessons in February and although neither of them passed their levels (Scott: Level 5, Jack: Level 1 advanced), they both did very well. And doing a set of lessons during the school year was something new for us since I usually only enroll them in the summer. However we felt that Jack needed an exercise activity as he was getting a little too wound up sometimes as he wasn't doing soccer like Scott. And because Jack refused to do the lessons unless Scott did them too (even though they're in different levels and wouldn't be swimming "together"!) we put Scott in even though he still had soccer.
In February, Scott was asked to join a select soccer team and they had their first game. It was quite nerve racking but they won the game, 4-1. Since then they've had 2 more games and won one of them. So 2 wins and 1 loss, with another game this Sunday. He really enjoys soccer and likes the idea of practicing and playing throughout the summer and into the next season as the coaches have planned. We're still a little undecided about him competing at this level as it is quite serious and competitive but he is coping well and seems to be liking the challenge (he's goalie for the first half of the games)and excitement.
In March we carried on with the music, swimming and soccer activities. And during Spring Break we took the boys to Seattle. However if we hadn't already booked our room, we might not have gone as Jack got sick the night before we left. We thought it was just a head cold (more on that later!)but the day after we got there, he was so plugged up and "thickly green in the nose", I found a pharmacy and asked what we could do for him, short of taking him to the hospital for a prescription(which would have been VERY expensive being "the States"!). He suggested a nasal spray for children so I bought that.
I then went back later that day to get Tylenol and Motrin for not only Jack but for Scott and George as well who were now also getting sick and running fevers! So there we were on holidays in another country with 3 sick children. All "doped out" on Tylenol and Motrin and 1 of them is also carrying around a box of kleenex from the hotel room everywhere we went (because the drops started working and his nose was now running "a little too freely"!) Thankfully they never stayed up too late and they slept well each night as I think that helped them get through the next day. And then even though we tried so hard not too...the day before we left, Sam and I got sick too.
Writing all this out has made me realize how "cruel" we must sound...toting them around to see all the sites however with the help of the meds, they carried on throughout the vacation quite well and really were having a good time. I swear! LOL! In fact, everywhere we went, they wanted to go and were even running around every once in awhile. It was quite strange although I should say we probably would have done slightly more activities (ie. Experience Music Project) but we still did quite alot. (We left on a Sunday and came back the next Wednesday) We managed to see/visit the surrounding area of our hotel (which was downtown), The Pike Market, we also road the Monorail to The Seattle Space Centre/Needle, Sam took the boys to the Underground Tour (I stayed back with George as it's 2hrs long and not stroller friendly) and The Seattle Zoo. We also stopped by the big outlet centre on our way home and did some shopping.
And as crazy as being sick in Seattle turned out to be, it was nothing compared to how everyone started feeling 2 days after we got home!
The Saturday after we got home Scott was supposed to play in a (weekend) soccer tournament. However he was so sick he didn't play. Making it only the third time he's missed soccer during the 4 years he's been playing. We thought he was better the next day, a common thought during this whole "sickness" with us all, however all playing did was set him back. So he missed another practice and also 3 days of school overall.
Thankfully the day before we went to Seattle he had his birthday party because he was sick for his actual birthday. He had invited friends from school and soccer to Cliffhanger. It's a rockclimbing centre in Coquitlam. It was very well organized and the children all had such a great time. So, our "oldest baby" is now 9!!
So, here we now fast forward to beginning of April. It's Easter and everyone (except me) is still sick! George is on antibiotics because he has Pneumonia and after Easter, Scott misses another day of school and another practice because he has Pneumonia! So I phoned the dr and got prescriptions for both him and Jack (not taking anymore chances!) filled. Here now current day, George has been feeling better for almost 2 weeks and the other two have been feeling better for just over 1 week now. I thankfully never got as sick as the boys and Sam seems to be feeling better and managed ok without the help of antibiotics.
So now, Scott and Jack are both in baseball so that's 4 weeknights (Scott: Mon, Wed with soccer practice on Tues, Jack: Tues, Thurs), Saturday baseball practices for Scott and soccer games (Scott) on Sunday's. Along with their afterschool activities: Snack Attack on Thursdays and Hockey on Fridays. When does the end of June come again? LOL!
Thanks for reading everyone! I think that pretty much sums up what the boys have been up to the past few months. And now that I've filled you all in, I can work on our online photo album. Which I'll do...sometime this week! LOL!
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Is it REALLY almost May?!?!?
9:10 PM
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