Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Our trip to Princeton, BC...

Our trip to Princeton, BC was a good one. It was great to see my dad again. Even though he was in town for George's birthday, I do miss him living so far away. :(

We last visited him the year before last and had decided that we'd try to visit him every year. But last year he was in town during the summer so we never went. And even though we saw him in June, we had already planned the trip and all of us we're looking forward to going so we decided to still go.

We left Friday (Aug 3) at 2:30pm, went and picked the boys up from day camp...spent forever in traffic and got to my dad's at 8pm Friday night. Without major traffic he's still a good 3.5/4hr drive away so it wasn't too bad I suppose. The boys were set with their portable dvd player and their Nintendo DS Lites (again, lol!). George slept for about 1.5 hrs during the trip. The rest of the time except for an occasional whine which is acceptable I think after being cooped up for so long, he was really well behaved.

Saturday...My dad took us all out for breakfast and with it being such a small town, he said the best place for breakfast was the Sandman Inn. So, that's where we went, lol. And I do have to say that it wasn't too bad.

We then decided to go to Downtown Tulameen as it was Tulameen days so we went to the parade that was happening down there. It took about 20 min to get there...and although nobody got sick, I'd like to add that I don't advise driving 20 min down a long winding road after having a big breakfast!

The parade was "ok"...Everyone in it was having fun so that's what made it really great I think. Oh and the boys liked it when everyone threw candy at them. Apparently it's a thing that happens. It was quite short and not too "fancy" but we live in a big city so we're used to quite elaborte ones I think. The boys enjoyed it though and George loved it when the firetruck driver turned on the siren for him, lol.

Afterwards we walked down to Otter Lake. It was such a beautiful sight. Stupid me never thought to take a pic either, despite having my camera with me! AND I just realized that now! ugh.

We then went back to my dad's and Sam took the boys on a bike ride through the old train tunnel and trails. I started a book...the first one I've read in oh...I think probably 4 years! I miss reading and I guess that caught up with me because even though my book was really good, I did finish it Sunday morning.

Sunday...Princeton has a new spray park (HA, I say new...but I should really say...Princeton now HAS a spray park, lol) so we went to check it out and although bare compared to what you might see over here, the boys had so much fun. Sometimes simplicity is a good thing! ;)

It was quite hot out so it was a perfect day for the boys. And Sam and I were shocked to learn later that it was actually 40C (104F) but with no humidity, we never would have guessed it to be that hot. We thought it was probably 28C or so.

After playing at the spray park for awhile we all walked down to the Tulameen river. BEAUTIFUL! The water was so clear and again the boys had alot of fun. I think that was probably their first time "in" a river. Last time we went up we didn't go in...staying a day longer this time was better all around.

Sam later went for a bike ride and after telling my dad where he went to, my dad said "oh yeah...that's a good 10miles you know" *faint*

We then had a great supper. Dad made a moose stew and the boys loved it. They've had moose before but never in a stew. Also on the menu was salad and garlic buttered buns. YUMMY!

Monday...time to pack up and go home...after going out for breakfast. Again to the Sandman Inn. So we left around 12:30pm and got home at just after 5pm. *sigh* I stupidly gave the boys each a huge bottle of gatorade (I didn't want them to have pop, they didn't want water and the ESSO station didn't have small bottles of gatorade) so 3 bathroom breaks were needed...of course we needed to make our usual stop at Tim Hortons too. And there was an unexplained major traffic problem in Chilliwack which caused us to come to a complet stop about 4 times. *sigh* Oh well, tis what you get when you come home on the last day of a long weekend. LOL! Was all worth it though.

p.s. yes those are deer crossing the street in the first pic of the slideshow. Sorry the pics are so small. I'll update webshots when I get a chance.

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