Wow, end of May already. Well, here's a quick update for you all. ;o)
Scott and Jack continued with their swimming lessons and had their last lessons last month. So, Scott is now in level 10 which is the last level of the swim program. And he could very well pass and finish this summer when they start lessons again. He's doing very well and his report card was definatley one to be proud of. 5 A's, 4 B's and 1 C+. He just finished taking part in his school's track club and had alot of fun. Regular soccer season is over now however he is still playing for the select team. So we've been pretty busy with games and practices there too since they've been having a fair amount of games lately. Here's a more recent pic of Scott taken before a soccer game.

Jack is doing well too. He's currently in level 4 for swimming and based on how his lessons go, I'm really hoping he will pass levels 4 and 5 this summer. His report card was very well too and although he doesn't have letter grades yet, the comments made by his teacher were really great improvements from the last term. I don't think I told you all that he was getting braces. Well, he's got 4 of them and is doing really well with them. The big gap in between his big teeth has now closed and we're just waiting for the teeth beside each of them to come down before deciding what to do next. Either he'll then be able to have them removed, or he'll have to have 2 added on, lol. Here is a more recent pic of Jack, as silly as he is. He likes to ham it up for the camera, lol.

George is doing really well and at almost age 3 (he'll be 3 next month) he can now say anything he wants. He's also entered the new phase where children start to make jokes. And while he can be very funny, there are alot of times we just don't understand what the joke is, however he'll be laughing and having fun. So that makes me and Sam laugh anyways. He and the coffee table got into a bit of a fight last month which resulted in him getting 2 stitches near his right eye. Scott and him were playing and somehow he ended up whacking the corner of the coffee table, ouch! Was not a good day and he looked so beat up for about a week and half with his huge puffy black eye. He's since recovered well and hasn't forgotten that memory as he'll sometimes tell people about it. LOL Thankfully the scar looks like it will be quite minimal. He still has the tubes in his ears and the specialist says that's ok for now. He goes back in June for another check up so we'll see then if they've fallen out or not. Here's some more recent pictures of George...
He's since had a haircut ;o) .....

I almost forgot to tell you all, that yes, he still naps occasionally,

Sam has what should be his final surgery last month and is doing good. This surgery was a tendon transfer from the pointer finger and should enable his thumb to be stronger and more able to move so he can grasp things better. The surgeon is quite pleased with how the surgery went and his physiotherapist is happy with the range of motion he has with his thumb. So now he's still recovering and has to wear another splint 24hrs a day unless he's doing his finger exercises. But, in two more weeks he's allowed to take the splint off and then he won't be limited to what he can try to do with his hand. And hopefully he'll regain the movement he had before the surgery (he's lost alot since having to be splinted and not able to move his hand or wrist) quickly so that he can then begin to proceed past that point and move forward with more movement and strength.
I broke my camera two months back and have finally gotten a new one. Thanks mom for letting me borrow hers as I broke it only about a week before Scott's birthday. I was not happy. However, I've now got an even better one now and am seriously "in love" with it. It's a Canon Rebel and is so awesome. I've also recently started making cakes for other people and have had 3 orders so far. Pretty exciting and I'm happy to say that the people I made them for were very happy with them. I'm just finishing up the last of the Wilton cake decorating courses too and found those to be not only great for teaching me some techniques, but also fun. I've put up my own website now too so if your interested in seeing pics you can go to
Other exciting news...hmmm...oh yeah....we leave for Disneyland in two days! WOOHOO! We are all so excited. I'll be sure to post some of those pics for you all soon after we get back. :O)
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